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Does Your Grand Piano Need The Services Of A Piano Tuner?

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Having a grand piano in your home is not merely a status symbol. Instead, this musical instrument will offer you several advantages. First off, having a grand piano means you always have a source of entertainment when you host guests in your home, as long as there is an accomplished piano player present.

Additionally, if you do not play but would like to learn, having a grand piano in the home makes it much easier for you since you only need to find a reputable tutor. But to keep your piano in top shape, you must have it tuned on a scheduled basis.

You could be thinking that this measure is only essential when you have an upcoming event that would necessitate piano playing, but this is wrong. If you have been putting off hiring the services of a piano tuner, check out this piece that outlines all you need to know about this maintenance measure.

Why should you have your piano tuned repeatedly?

Without a doubt, the principal reason why pianos require routine tuning is to keep them sounding great. If the tension in any of the strings in the piano is off, this musical instrument will be out of tune, and you will not enjoy any of the notes produced.

Moreover, if you are learning to play for the first time, you are at a disadvantage since you will not know how the notes you are learning are supposed to sound. Consequently, you will not get any better at playing this instrument.

Thirdly, when the tension in the piano strings is wrong, they tend to graze against each other until they generate enough friction to cause them to eventually snap. To avoid costly repairs to the strings and the interior wood of your grand piano, it is advisable to have this instrument tuned routinely.

What makes the piano strings out of tune in the first place?

There is an array of factors that would cause your grand piano strings to go out of tune. To begin with, the moment you get your grand piano delivered to your home, you need to hire a piano tuner. This practice ensures that the piano is set up with a great start.

Furthermore, new pianos will need frequent tuning, so you should hire these services quarterly. This frequency is unlike older pianos that simply need tuning during extreme weather changes. For example, you should hire a piano tuner after every summer and winter.
